Friday, May 22, 2009

Little Changes - Big Bang for Your Buck

Just some random thoughts today on decorating on a budget, using found object, repurposing antiques and collectibles, and basically using your imagination to create a unique one of a kind environment.

1) Using found objects, ie: in my kitchen I have an old shelf unit that once was part of some old kitchen cabinets, it sits on the bar and has been painted, I added cup hooks and it holds all my china. I've also used it in my sewing room to hold fabric, ribbons, supplies, etc. and as a display shelf.

2) A small lamp on your kitchen counter adds instant charm
and is much nicer to have on late at night
or first thing in the morning than glaring overhead lights.

3) I have as a room divider a 6x8 piece of Gothic wooden fencing, painted with a white crackle finish. It was orginally used in my craft mall shop but now had been put to work in my apartment. One side backs up to the shelf unit in the kitchen and the other faces
the living room, with pictures hung on that side.
Great conversation piece.

4) Two long benches are stacked and used as bookshelves, sometimes I stack smaller benches
on top of that for even higher display shelves.

5) The smaller benches make great coffee tables and extra seating.

6) Need a taller lamp on a table?
Need something just a tad higher for the right balance?
Stack books, either ones you own and like or buy some at the thrift store
in colors that match your decor, put the item atop them to raise it to the height you like.

7) Anything of 3 or more grouped together is a collection.
Grouping like things together makes them stronger than if they were scattered around a room. Odd numbers work best for larger items but with smaller items you won't notice the numbers.
Tie things together by color, style, a theme, shape, or purpose.

8) Once I had a clay pot that was painted and weighted with stones and covered with foam and moss. I stuck a sturdy branch into it, one with lots of sturdy offshoots.
It sat on my dresser and held my necklaces and bracelets beautifully.
Rings and some earring sat in the moss at the base for decoration.

9) The same branch in the pot idea makes a fun holiday decoration. I switch out lightweight Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Forth of July, Halloween decorations that I've made. Put a big ribbon bow around the pot to change with the themes.

10) At Christmas, I would sometimes use a pretty festive ribbon to transform my collection of cat statues. A pretty bow around the neck of each porcelain kitty made them holiday ready and made guests smile.

The only limit is your imagination. Got an idea? Try it out, if you're not crazy about it, don't use it. Or try it in a different room.
You never know what could work.

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