Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Creativity - The Early Years

The year is 1966 and I'm 8 years old.
I'm the oldest of 6 kids and with babies crying and kids yelling all around me,
I am off in my own little world.
I'm in the corner, with shoe boxes and glue
and construction paper and scissors and crayons,
finishing the second level of Barbie's townhouse
or making new outfits for all my troll dolls.
If it didn't move it got embellished.
I'm in seventh heaven.

And so it begins...

I love variety. I thrive on learning new things. I hate to limit myself.
Over the years, I took classes on everything
and if I couldn't take a class,
I got a book and taught myself.
I've learned (mastered some) drawing and painting, sewing and knitting,
enameling and jewelry making, weaving and rug making and macrame,
decoupage and woodworking and leather working,
and pottery and embroidery to name a few.
I'm learned at over 30 fine arts and crafts...at last count.

My eyes glaze over when I see fabric or craft supplies.
I once read about a woman who had so much fabric,
she rented a storage facility to hold it all.
She brought in a lamp and a rocking chair and would go there once a week
and visit her fabric and read and hang out.
She's my idol.
Along with Martha.
Mom and I joke that she who dies with the most fabric - wins. I'm winning : )

Professionally, I've been a pastry chef, singer,
newspaper reporter, interior designer, retail manager, photo stylist and more.
No matter what I do though, I've got to be able to be creative.
It's in my blood.



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